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My First Post

Hi Archu, Manjit and Tinku
After lot of thinking and a golden oppurtunity of getting manjit's lappy free for 1 night i revived my old blog which was kind of dead the moment it was opened cos i opened it with a lot of Excitement after reading the Book How to make money by blogging, Another of my failed attempts to be successful without hardwork. Well friends i leave it upto you to write the prelude of the book cos wat i can tell you about is current status of my mind and my current frustrations which lead me to write this Book/blog or watever. As people say and i read it somewhere that i m facing my mid life crisis but........I m just 26 years the heck i cud be facing the mid life crisis......Well...some times i do get a feeling that no body in this world needs me except my boss cos he has lot of issues for me in terms of bugs and change requests in the software which we develop (as they say change is inevitable same applies to a software).....I do get the feeling that I am a run machine ....with people back home relating even the smallest of the things withyour marraige which is the next big thing to happen in the Family.

So I can say that I am single, with a Job in one of the major financial services company as a developer. I belong to the Gennxt of the Indian economy cos i pay more tax a year than my age......Sometimes i wonder was this the destination where of which I always dreamt about....going to a office which has a dispenser which can give you all types of aerated drinks ....Is this the way I m gonna make it big one day.....But Wat do I do to make it big ....solve 8 issues per day for my client in the office or follow my heart. Everything comes with a price so I have to work and follow my heart by running my fingers on the keyboard. The second option is also comes with a price of spending right amount of time with me.

So folks welcome to my world of fortunes and misfortunes of being me.


Gayatri Welcome to the Gang and U cud be my onsite Editor ...Please comment about the Current Post.


sushant said…
I completely identify with your thoughts because where ever you go,thinking that you'll get some quality dispenser...oops i means work but after 2-3 weeks same kind of work,same routine,same life as you said solving 8 issues per day for the client(ya i agree abusing client on a call is one of the options to make your day different but i would not suggest that ;)) so i think blogging is one way to make u happy after writing all your "Dil ki Bhadaas" keep blogging dibyendu and i would say that the kind of mental state you mentioned is mainly because of "nothing to achieve" syndrome rather then mid life crisis..Wat you say dibyendu..
Dibyendu said…
Thanks A ton suhsant finally i had somebody who had comments about my blog. To some extent this blog was started with a sense of achieving something, But eventually i realised that its not about money all the time its about having my thoughts shared with a set of people with whom i am comfortable and who can give me the right feedback. I bet i have better stories to tell people than chetan bhagat i plan to share these stories with all of you ....and try to achieve a smile on every ones face who reads it ....
Unknown said…
hey dibyendu...
u hav trully bring into light those major issues that our soul keeps on struggling with...y v have been into tis world? where r v heading towards? n is this is way v hav always wanted to move in...? Keep it up frnd

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