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The first Love And the Life @ 10 + 1

Well the heading says it all for me. I still can look at a blank wall and start thinking about Ashu and see her as a heroine in the lush green fields of Switzerland and sing a song describing about her beauty......Let me stop now or else you guys n gals will start thinking that the person writing this post is a big fan of Yash raj movies.....But no doubt the Yash Raj movies define a major part of an ideal romance of a Indian middle class guy who is from a small town....I bet that for sure. For me till date those were the days when I was getting into Love mode of my life. Some say love happens to you when you are 16 but for me it happened when I was 17 which was not a great age to think about love because this is the stage where one defines the course of his or her future. I had a great reputation from my 10th board exams which helped me to get into any class of the school and sometimes even an interaction with students of the current year 10th grade who always looked up to us..... Before beginning this post I should have said a ton thanks to my mom to make me buy a new laptop and today this post is the first which I am writing on my new laptop. This was a great necessity since I started writing the blog because most of the times I used to think that what should I be doing in my free time at home and used to miss a laptop, well this may seem like an idiotic excuse the moment I tell you that I do have a desktop PC with me. Now I can see you guys giving a look which usually my boss gives me when I do 1 issue a day and look says that “What’s the big deal in this and this took you 8 hrs”. (Sorry for losing the tracks again ...well when you are working you tend to relate the smallest of the things with you office lives.....see again I m doing that).....Let’s get back to the story.... As mentioned in the previous post the 10th grade had Ashu in that class. But there was a buzz in the school that she liked a Guy name Sachin Bahl who was a year senior to me and was more handsome smart and more intelligent than me because he was the overall topper of his batch, which made him superior to me. I was not hurt because the guy giving me the competition was better off than me in all the aspects. So I said again the same old words to me to console me that “If I don’t walk up to Ashu and tell her that I like her then in that case its better for both or I should say three of us one is Ashu and second is me and the third is Sachin, in the above case I was the only one who’s gonna suffer and I will be Ok with this”. (Again would reiterate that this attitude sucks and takes you nowhere in life, if any of you have such an attitude change it for your own sake) So in the later part of the 11th grade I was pretty much convinced that I am good with Ashu’s status of being with Sachin, but I never denied myself of a chance of looking at Ashu and seeing her beautiful looks and taking a long breath with a feeling which would internally say to me that “Oh God ....I love that girl so much”. This was good from my side and from Ashu’s side also because she started responding back to my glances which was not a great deal. But I never saw that spark in her eyes which I definitely saw when Sachin used to be around her. But you know what I am a Bihari and I bet Bihari’s are good at raking in the maximum benefits of any chance given to them, whether its related to any stream in life, no need to mention academics. So passed the stage where in I needed to get used to the fact that she was not mine but somebody else’s, but I had that itch and a small regret that how could I let go the girl whom I have been looking at since last 4 years. But I was not a loser and kept my eyes and ears open and started giving a great attention to a Goal of my life which was not Ashu but IIT. In a small place you can be a stud based on your marks you score in the exam along with more benefits to come your way. Time other than thinking about Ashu was spent in battling with the sums of PCM from the brilliant tutorials book, which is a kind of religious book which every student gets when he passes from 10th grade and aspires to clear IIT. IIT was a big deal a group of students who were best among the best and had an intellect which world would respect and a brand which helps you to get a ticket which allows you to break into the big league at any point in time. I always wanted to go to the IITs but seeing the atmosphere of the Colony and going by the track record and the level of education in the school the chances were almost zero. Since the place where we used to stay was far from the City of Jamshedpur so there was less probability of going to city for coaching classes. So in one line it was a effort with no infrastructure in place to get through the IITs. The next good thing which happened was that TV in the house got burnt because of the thunder and lighting. So the only sole entertainer in the house was our music system on which I used to listen to the typical bollywood songs. As you grow up your choices start changing, and i started developing a liking for Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan sahab’s style of singing and also Junoon from Pakistan which was very good, especially the song “lal meri pat akhiyo bala jhule la lad.....dama dam mast kalandar .....” The next best thing was Ghazal’s from Jagjit singh which i started liking from the day when my sister gifted me a recorded cassette of his ghazals and after that it was just an addiction in terms of playing the same songs again and again. The above activities kept me at the bay from the thoughts of ashu and i was happy with the kind of lifestyle which i was developing which was actually contributing towards the growth of my personality. I liked to be confident and my parents were also happy since i was picking up the right things and trying to create a niche for me in the society not by going through the rules which every other guy used to follow. Al studious guys never came out in the evenings and started their studies from 6:30 PM but for me my TT was an integral part of my routing which also kept me physically fit. TT is the game which fascinates me till date and I njoy playing TT till date and will do it for the rest of my life. Deep down within me I knew i was not taking the efforts to get through the IIT because nobody in my class was doing so. So if you are alone in the war then definitely you have to fight even harder which was even more difficult in the lack of appropriate guidance from the experts. All in all i was spending time with Likes of Resnick and Halliday, Sears Zeamansky’s, HC Verma’s physics....with Hall and Knight’s algebra along with Loni’s trigonometry, the Chemistry was not a big deal because had an encyclopaedia in the same at home in form of my elder Sister as she was done with her Masters in Analytical chemistry. This is how I passed my 11th standard and the next important thing attached to the 11th standard was the all south India tour which I went on with my parents and grand parents(It was 6 of us mom, dad, baba, nani, didi and last but not the least it was me). That was fun possibly I would write a separate post for it and it gave me a lot of ideas about beautiful places and an idea of what to do where.


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