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Bulbul and the Lip locking Episode

As I mentioned the class has passed the boundary for adolescence and people started getting crushes on one or the other gal if I don’t tell you about Bulbul and Anamika then it would not be justice to avid readers of my posts. To have a background about both of them:

Bulbul as I have known him he was born in Jaduguda and was in same school right from the elementary classes till the 10th grade and he was the guy who scored 100 percent marks in science paper in 10th. He was a sincere and a kind of simple guy with no hard feelings and having a happy go lucky kind of attitude.

Here comes Anamika a gal with lot of attitude in her and till date I find her knowledge about English out of the world. Anamika joined our school in 8th grade from a Convent School in Calcutta she came in from there as her dad was transferred from the Cal (Right now Kolkata) to Jamshedpur and she used to stay in the AMD (Atomic Mineral Department) colony which was even more far from school than my place. So she used to travel up to my place and catch the school bus from there. When she joined the school you can imagine the paradigm shift for her because she came from a posh convent school in Kolkata and now she was in a government school where there was no glamour as children of all the grades of employees used to go to the same school. A laborers kid was in the same class sitting on the same desk as an officers kid used to sit. This gal when she moved in looked at us as if we were untouchables and had no manners, loads of attitude….huh. That was the first time in my life when I felt that what attitude means, shrugging of everybody and having your nose up all the time as if you landed from Jupiter or a relative of Sabu (Chacha chowdary Fame) and wish to get special treatment as chachi used to give Sabu.

Physically also she was kind of different in my 8th grade we never saw a gal with such great #%%$ and #$$, the gals from the colony used to be beautiful but not as heavy as she was and that to without any looks. The only reason no one dared to dare that girl because she was so heavy that guys were thinking what happens if she goes wild and throws you down and sits on you, then there could be only 2 things that cud happen to you either the intestines will come out of your mouth or you could become a carpet the same ways Tom becomes a carpet the moment jerry runs over him with a roller machine.

After such a description above you must be thinking that I must have hated that girl like anything, which is true but today she is one my best buddies around and knows everything about me, she only insisted to write about her and bulbul because I am not usually good describing other people’s relationship. This was an exception because fortunately or unfortunately I was the person who played the mediators role in this case and I knew much more about both of them and what they felt than anybody else in the class.

Getting back to the chemistry, I mean the chemistry between bulbul and Anamika. Bulbul as I said was never out of place but deep inside him he had a lot of enthusiasm to explore the outside world and typically he was not made for a colony rules where in you are supposed to live life by rules or by books. In Anamika he found a girl who never gave a damn about what people thought about her, she was dynamic smart and was also having a great control over English. Anamika always knew how to make a guy fall for her and seduce the guy by giving the looks which was very rare for a government school guy. As they say opposites attract bulbul was crazy about her and he used to tell me about her all the time. This episode happened when we were in 11th Grade and cold war between me and Anamika was over and she learned to be a girl with no attitude and have fun. The force which brought them even more together was that both of them had opted for Hindi as elective, while Anamika was pure biology and bulbul was pure mathematics. It was a mutual attraction and both of them came together; I happened to be the guy who knew both of them and knew what’s cooking also. Anamika used to consider bulbul a joker and used to laugh like a child on his every tantrums and bulbul’s only mission was to see Anamika smiling.

What I never understood was that both of them were completely different and being so different how could they be together. Bulbul started losing it out to Anamika and due to which his studies were affected. I saw them going around and being happy, even at times I used to go around with them in school during the PT(physical training…one of m favorite classes) periods, this episode changed an impression about Anamika for me. I came to know that every girl is a kid inside they just love to play but as they grow up the toys change and when they mature they actually play mind games more than anything else.

Now comes the interesting part the Lip locking episode and I know guys would be most interested in this. Our bus used to leave school at around 4:30 PM in which Anamika was supposed to board, but on that day the last class was of hindi and teacher for hindi was not present and it happened that no alternate arrangements were made to take over class. So, the whole class went to their favorite corners and has fun some students studying and some chatting. To my surprise I could not see Anamika and bulbul around which surprised me. When the school was over then I found out that even Anamika didn’t board the bus but I do saw the jeep which used to drop her and was sure that she must have gone to Biology teacher’s house where she was a usual visitor for some extra sessions. The next day I got back to school and pretty usually I saw bulbul and Anamika chatting to each other Anamika sitting on Uma’s place and bulbul on his place. I kept my bag and my hand touched Anamikas hand and I felt a strange sensation, it was softer and cozier so I kept it that way. After 2 classes were over we had a break of 10 mins which I asked her “where were you yesterday?”, she said “We went to the shiv mandir”, I said “OK so you and bulbul went there, hmmm.. then I don’t see any sindur on your forehead”.

Anamika gave me an annoying look and said “We didn’t go to get married there, we had a nice time”….this line was followed with a smile which was the smile of …..hmmmm…what should I say it was a naughty kind of smile…Then I asked her “I think I can guess that you guys are up to something, now the point is are you going to tell me what happened or Bulbul’s going to tell me about you”. I was confident that bulbul would definitely come back and tell me every detail of what happened between him and Anamika because this had become bulbul’s daily routine. Then Anamika told me “I kissed bulbul in shiv mandir yesterday, it was good”, for me it was shock because first time in my life I knew a guy and girl who kissed each other and both of them were one of my best buddies around in the school. I stared at Anamika and gave her a look which a teacher would give to a student when the student fails besides best efforts from the teacher. I said “I never expected such a thing from you guys, you both have let me down and I am going to tech bulbul a lesson for this not because he kissed you but because how could he do this to himself and do something which he would not even think about”.

I am sorry for the readers if am sounding too orthodox but a person with my kind of background and upbringing could easily make out where I am coming from. I ran to the stage leaving Anamika behind and I knew where to find bulbul, he would be seating at one corner along with Ranjit who could play any song in a plain wooden desk with his hands, as every person in love bulbul would be singing and Ranjit would make his singing better with his beats, the most usual one was “Teri Adaon pe merta hu …love tujhe love mein karta hu….” From Barsaat.

I went there and asked bulbul “Where were you during the last period yesterday?”, “Shit did Anamika tell you about yesterday, I told her not to tell you” was bulbul’a response. This response pissed me off I caught bulbul by his collar and pushed him towards the wall and said “Dude I was the one who gave you all the leads to get into Anamika’s life and now both of you are getting into these cheap things”. I still don’t understand why I reacted in such a manner to the bulbul and Anamika kissing episode, I think it was the first thing that both of them did without getting me in the loop may be that was one of the reasons or may be that I wanted to see them as an ideal couple who could be together no matter what the situation is, but it’s not about what you expect from other people but it’s about what people expect or feel about each other. This post would lead most of you to think I did all this because I could not kiss Anamika but believe me I had no such intentions but I was also apprehensive about a small town guy being manipulated by the glamour of the outside world. This incident was an eye opener for me in terms that there could be guy and girl with a casual relationship and it’s necessary that both of them have to be in love like Romeo Juliet or as they say heer ranjha in Hindi or Sheeri and farhan in urdu. The world was ahead and I still held that old romance from movies in my mind.


Unknown said…
Intresting and excuse me... why they will keep u into loop when they want to kiss each other?everybody has their personal life like the way u have something with Garima and God knows what u have done with her....just kidding.i know u can't be so cheap like'nt it?
Dibyendu said…
hey hey sorry but i may have to delete your names please because this may not be the truth ....every thing here is a story with my perspective or how i would have wanted it to be ....but in real life it may not have been's just that am fighting with my loneliness by jotting few lines here.... yes there's nothing cheap w.r.t kissing ....and yes no body is them here ....request you not to criticize the characters but rather u r most welcome to criticize me instead....because even people read my blog and i have got some 20 consistent readers....and it includes people in them i don't wanna open a pandora box of controversies would like you to take this blog as a story in which you were the also a part where the plot is taken from.... I appreciate your comments ....and FYI Garima was the most boring gal I ever met I have better experiences to write down [;)]....Chal thanks and cheers ....
Dibyendu said…
As mentioned in the heading ....This Blog lives the Lines "If I had to write the truth I would write a fiction and If I plan to write fiction then i'll write an Autobiography" ... so m yet to decide what is it ??
theScorpianVJ said…
This is a good one... but didnt u ever see an english movie? just kiddin... nice blog.. ur emotions r completely understandable... keep up the good writing.. Boredom is the mother of self discovery!!

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