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The Game of Life

Sorry for diverting from the topic in my last post, but hope u people enjoyed the videos. I was not able to write from last few weeks because of certain engagements which held me up even after my working hours. Sorry for not continuing with the first love part II just because I don’t think that situation demands this kind of article. Most of the readers of this blog are my friends and are known to me, So, I feel to share this information with u people that Sushant’s (my best buddy in town) lost his father in an accident. We are a gang of people who go out and have fun; the heart of the team is Sushant we started out careers together and then resigned from our job on the same day which was followed by joining the same company on the same day. I pray to god that his father’s soul rests in peace and god gives sushant all the strength to face this crisis situation.

Mood of the gang is always set by sushant’s sense of humor and it’s hard to think that what would have been going through his mind at this point in time. For me this was again a reminder from the almighty that why you should go to him and pray for the well being of yourself , family and people known to you. The destiny takes its own course and as they say that life is a roller coaster ride is very much evident with what I see around. I still don’t know why am I writing this post and bringing a kind of seriousness on your faces but I can’t just help it. Everything which I have been doing from last 2 days I tend to relate each and everything with Sushant, questions like “How he must be feeling?, Is he going to be fine? And what would he be doing right now?” keep popping in my mind which is really disturbing.

Dealing with such crisis tests the strength of a person up to an optimum level; I have been through such a situation and have certain ways to make you a better standing person in such crisis. You will face a complete chaotic situation which will be out of control; one should always look around for the people who are more prone to getting sick and get unconscious because of the shock. The problem starts after 2-3 days from the crisis where in you have to tell people what happened and how it happened, mind it every person will have a difference response or piece of advice and then people will start talking about a third person who had faced similar situation. My suggestion to all of you if you are among the crowd is to keep your mouth shut and act as a support. Assure the person facing the crisis that support will always be present whether it’s a day from now or a year from now. As a member of the crowd, be helpful there’ll be hundreds of things going around try to take up the responsibility and make sure that it’s done. In a chaotic situation like this the family in shock what you can do to help is take care of the kid if the family has any and make sure that he takes his food on time.

If unfortunately you are the part of the family facing the crisis then in that case all I would say is be very subtle, don’t listen to what others are saying and stop thinking, yes stop thinking about what happened and what’s going to happen, live by thinking about every hour and let people know what you intend to do in next hour and put your focus in getting it done. This would help the person to manage things properly at that point in time and make sure that proper care is being taken of the other family member’s. If you really don’t have anything to do and you are the person performing the ceremonies then get a copy of Shreemad Bhagwat Gita and read it daily. This helps to understand the basics of life and world surrounded around it.

I pray to god from this point in time none of us reading this face such a crisis any more. All the condolences to Sushant and his family, we are there with you my friend and will always be, be brave and take care of Auntie and Didi.

Please pass on your condolence message as a comment to this post and pray for the soul of passed away.



gurpreetbhalla said…
Hi ,
New visitor to ur blog , went through a few posts, nicely put i would say...
Dibyendu said…
Thank you Gurpreet your comments are most welcome ... for all the posts pass on your opinion cos we can have discussion about it ....and may be i would ask some more guys to chip in...

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