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The Board of Results

Talking about results they are furious nerve wrecking experiences and every time you stand in the queue and you expect the principal declaring the names of top three.

I went through a lot of drama for my board results or rather I should put it that my family went through a lot of drama which was because of my board results. Usually after the board exams it was time to have fun especially during the summer vacations but there used to be an IOTA of doubt inside everybody about the results questions like “How is it gonna be, I am going to get full marks for the last question of Mathematics paper or not?”. These thoughts used to scare the hell out of me, but over all these fears were not to be shown to the external world. In the external world people were expecting lot of things from me. I passed my 10th Grade in 1998 which was beginning of dotcom boom era. Everything was getting published on to the websites which meant that we can have quick access to the information. A friend of mine and me were very excited and eager to know the results moment we heard in the news that CBSE results for east zone have been declared. He asked me that his elder brother in New Delhi and he’ll go to the CBSE main Office and can tell us the marks from there itself, so we don’t have to wait for 5 days for the results because our school being in a remote area the only way to get result was through post.

My friend Amit’s brother was doing his MBA in Delhi and he was supposed to enquire about our results and let us know. The d day came and we called up Amit’s brother and gave him our roll numbers, in total he had three roll numbers one was mine, other was amit’s and third was of Sarvesh. Since at my place only we had a STD phone and a direct line which could be called from outside. It was an anxious wait for all three of us, I was not able to gulp any food which my mom served due to nervousness, the only thing bothering was Mathematics as mentioned in my previous post there was lot of drama involved on the exam day and even I did remember the open challenge thrown by my mathematics teacher to the teacher of the school where my center was.

The day was important because it was My Mom dad’s 25th anniversary. The family was in celebration mood and they wanted to see my results which they felt would definitely add to the celebration. My mom that day told me “Son, I know you have given your best shot here and whatever happens over the results the world should know that you are a winner in your own stride”. It was around 8:30 PM we came back home and some of our relatives joined us to have a chit chat and continue the happy mood. By that time Amit came to my place and he told me that his brother is going to give a call at around 9:00 PM; me and Amit sat out in the garden and started chatting. The phone rang and mom shouted “Sonu, I think it’s call from Delhi”. I ran to the phone and said “Yes bhaiya, did you get the results”. He said “Yes, I got for you, amit and sarvesh”. He started dictating numbers and I started jotting them down. I was nervous but after hearing the marks the nervous ness was fading way, but one persons marks was making me nervous and I thought it would be of either sarvesh’s or amit’s marks. Amit’s brother was telling us the marks only after which he said he’ll tell us which row belonged to whom. After the number jotting was over, the last part of the conversation was most important and Amit’s brother said “First two belonged to you and Sarvesh and the third one is of Dibyendu”.

Bang!!! This was the least expected thing, of the three I had scored the least. I went into the totaling mode of my marks and not hearing amit and sarversh that even they wanted to see their scores, but I was blank till the time I totaled marks on the third row and after that it was a shocker for me the total was 377/500 which was shocking for me. I sat there not knowing how to react and staring the ground. The other two guys got into calculation mode and Amit said “Mine total is 397/500”, sarvesh said “mine is 401/500”. This even more dismayed me. By that time my sister mom and dad came back and were surprised to find me sitting on the ground. The other two guys touched my parents feet and left and I got up to see them off. While leaving sarvesh ran home to share the good news with his parents, Amit turned back and told me “Dude I didn’t like the marks scored by Sarvesh, I wish his marks was yours I don’t want him to score 80% I want you to score that because you deserved it more than any one else”.

I came back and everybody was looking at me and the atmosphere was pretty normal. Mom came to me and said congrats son you kept your promise by scoring more than 90 in mathematics, but I was already in no mood for cheer and a tear rolled down my cheeks. I said “This has become pretty usual but still I would like to say Sorry to all of you for letting all of you down”. My sister my greatest supporter of all times came to me and gave me a tight hug and said “We know that you are best and others opinion matter least to me, let’s get on with the 11th Chemistry book and leave no stones unturned this time and let all of them know who the real boss is”, but this motivation was not helping as I was feeling really bad and feeling as if I had lost a long running court case inspite of having all the necessary proof to win the case.

The next day was normal every body in school cam to know about our marks and it was a matter of two days after which school received the marks list of all the students. Singh sir came into the class and declare “Ajay congrats for scoring cent percent marks in science”, Ajay whom the class usually called as bulbul just because ajay’s mom called him bulbul. Ajay was one of good buddies in the class and I along with Uma shared all the matters and gossips in the class with each other.

Then the unthinkable happened singh sir declared “congrats dibyendu for scoring highest marks in Mathematics”. I was surprised because in the score which was told to us by Amit’s brother Sarvesh fared better than me in Mathematics exam by scoring 94/100 where as mine was 91/100. I asked “Sir, please recheck as I know Sarvesh has scored 94 in Mathematics”. Singh Sir looked at the sheer again and carefully went through all the rows and then said “No dibyendu I think Sarvesh scored 91/100 in mathematics and you scored 94”, the moment it was clear Amit got up and said “Bro!! that day when I said to you that wish his marks should have been yours then I think Maa Saraswati was there on the tip of my tongue”. This made it clear that I was the one who scored more than 80% marks and was the topper of mathematics in the school. I was ecstatic. I ran home from school and told my mom, even Amit accompanied in that run of joy. I said “Mummy Sarvesh’s score swapped with mine it means I have scored more than 80%”. Mom was happy asked me to lite an incense stick in front of God’s idol. That day I thanked god and realized that one should work hard and leave the rest to him.

This experience goes hand in hand with a shloka from GITA:

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।

मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोस्त्वऽकर्मणि॥

You have the right to action only and not to fruits thereof. Do not try to be instrumental in making your actions bear fruit (which will follow according to laws of nature). Neither let your attachment be to inaction.



Simran said…
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Unknown said…
Your articles are so impressing including this one that keeps the reader busy in getting on to the next point.

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