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Intro to the Adolescence and G effect:

When you prove that you are successful then the time is great to go around the places and enjoy the times with your friends. After crossing the first barrier of my life I was happy and full of enthusiasm to explore all together a new world of subjects and Girls. The senior batch to us was again under tremendous pressure to fare good in the 12th grade examination. On the other hand it was our class which was again going to get a different set of toppers because the ball game had changed and people good in science always have the upper hand. Then there were a set of juniors who looked up to us. I was not bothered about juniors except for few, and those few were nothing but the gals who were rated at the topmost slot of being most beautiful and hot and sexy and …. I could go on.

Well to be very frank I did not like the most beautiful gal of the lot, but I liked another gal she would be ranked at around 2-3 in the school. She was beautiful, fair and she had something special as she had a smile on her face all the time. Until 11th grade it was fine for me to enjoy her beauty, but after this 10th grade I needed more I wanted to speak to her. All that happened was while I was in bus and she used to walk back home with umbrella in her hand, I used to see her till the time I lost the view of her face. She always thought that I was an Idiot but the results of 10th grade made it clear that I was not one among the herd where as I had something in me which she can go for.

There's a theory that "If you wanna get close to a gal then you need to get closer to her best friend".
Going by this theory I was lucky enough to have Trisita as Garima’s best friend, Trisita bhaumick a girl who was also called as the AIR (All India Radio) of the school, because if you wanted a gossip to doing rounds to be transformed into a broadcast without revealing the original source Trisita was the best person. All in all she knew I had interest in Garima because of the exchange of glances between me and Garima (which was pretty one sided) while I used to go back home by our school bus. She was kind of fat and not do good looking but since every coin had other sides her other part was very…. I don’t have the right word to describe it, this we’ll discuss when I write my post about my college life and my Nagpur visits.

I being the one among the toppers always helped, teachers especially Pramod Kumar Sahoo my Mathematics teacher used to speak about me in his classes and how I kept the promise of scoring the highest marks in mathematics. So, the ground work was already done and the impression was created that I was not just another admirer of her beauty, her smile and again I could go on…..The positive effect had some effect on her in a way she started acknowledging my smile and when I used to see her through the window of my bus even she used to smile. I still remember seeing her smiling face in the back drop of her pink umbrella and her lips used to beat the intensity of the pinkness of umbrella.

Hindi and Biology combination:

It was not only Garima’s effect had gripped me in 11th grade but there were other things which were equally confusing, one of them was to opt for the choice of subjects. The options were to go for Hindi or Biology. Initial phase I opted for Hindi to have a complete time for other Papers like Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, but after the summer vacation when I came back to school I saw many people switching back to Maths and Bio combination as most of them were not happy because the scores in Hindi had spoiled there aggregate percentages in 10th grade. When I went back home and analyzed my Score card then I came across the fact that all I scored in Hindi was around 55 where as the score for other people was around 75-85. It struck to my mind that I had scored good in 4 papers, but because of my low score in Hindi I could not make it to the top position.

This made me strongly opposed to Hindi as a result of which I changed my option to a combination of Maths and Biology. This was one of the first mistakes of my life which was largely as a result of the influence of family and friends as all of them told me that I am good and I should be willing to score better in the next board exams, none of them told me about the level of biology in upcoming grades. So, succumbing to the pressure from peers I said yes to Biology and the thought came to me “At least by doing this I am the only person who is going to suffer where as others will be happy”. When I got this thought I never knew that this thought and a consistent effort of following this thought would lead to many other wrong decisions. Why I am trying to stress on this is because what I feel is that if you want to succeed then one should always go by persons own instincts.

This resulted up in me taking up the Mathematics and Biology combination which is kind of unusual for a student of my kind of ability to handle both and do justice to both the subjects. I thought let’s give it a shot but I forgot that there are no second chances which would help me to recover from the mistake which I did by taking up biology. Any how I was ok and people around me were expecting wonders out of me which was a dilemma for them. I got to make many friends in my class both guys and gals, being a back bencher always helped in enjoying life and taking the notes. Some of my friends Bulbul and Uma whom I have discussed about in my previous post were having a nice time along with me.

As the whole of the class was on the other side of the boundary of adolescence there were constant rumors about guys and gals being together. This was a big deal at that point in time because being a part of the colony and also have the guts to have a relationship with a gal from the same colony been a risky affair. I always thought when I’ll get Garima I won’t let people gossip and we’ll be seen as a respectful couple because in most of the cases either the guy or the gal was not a good student unlike in our case both of us were decent students and we held a good rapport among the teachers.

This was a brief intro about things happening in my life at that point in time. Well I have an interesting story lined up for you.



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