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Minutes of Meeting with my Childhood...

Details of Turamdih:
As they say “AAGAR FIRDAUS BAR RUYE ZAMINAST YO HAMINAST,YO HAMINAST, YO HAMINAST”, I think this quote in my life is not valid for Jammu and Kashmir, of all the places I have seen the place where I spent my child hood is a region with the largest mineral resources which people know as Chotanagpur Plateau. My dads being a Civil Engineer had to go places which were actually no man’s land and transform them into a great residential colony with all the amenities. Why my experience stands aloof from others is because I saw the colony rising from big Hills begin transformed into plain grounds and then a beautiful place to live for the Employees.

As a kid we had a gang most of us are now in a corporate mess getting things out of our clients. A place which remains closest to my heart is Turamdih. At a distance of 7 km from Tata Nagar Railway station.

When we landed there in 1990 and I was surprised to see a stretch of hills and was fantasized about exploring them. Since it was a new project we had to travel 20 km to our school by getting up at 5:30 in the morning and travelling a stretch of 25kms of kuchha roads for one and a half hours to reach the school which used to start at 7:00 am.
I never did any sort of physical training , but my built and my physique I owe a lot to those bumpy roads. By the time School finished and the Jeep used to come back to colony most of the parents had carry their children home because all of us used to sleep in the jeep. It used to be a feast if we used to get ambulance for dropping us to school because it had a bed inside and I loved sleeping over it while returning back from School.

Enough description about the place, but this gives you an idea of where I am coming from (this is not on the same lines which my manager says that “Dibyendu I hope you get where I am coming from”).

Having a gang is one of the most enjoyable things during the school days, as everyone even I had a gang. A gang which comprised of let me count…. one, two, three and four girls. Out of which 2 are married and 1 is getting married next week. We were the bunch of people who never needed a toy to enjoy we always needed a ball and a set of 7 flat stones and start playing the games called as “Pitto”.

I don’t expect all of you to know about this game, but in corporate terms I can always say that this game is the best for a Team to build a team spirit. I never realized that it was only then I’ll be surrounded with girls and as the life moved on the number of girls I have known have been reducing. Well in technical terms “Interaction with girls is inversely proportional to my age”. In other words I can even say that I have friends who are girls but I have no girlfriends. Now how’s that.
Nothing to beat the Team which I had then people would bleed to keep the game up and running. I myself landed up with 5 stitches to equalize with the other team. These are the small tit bits of moral science if we follow in the corporate world I think we can make workplace as a better playground where whole of the Team puts in lot of effort to move ahead and share mutual respect among them. The playing time used to be defined between 5-7 PM and the moment the clock used to Tick 7 every one was back at home completing the assignments and home works. The point is that of we follow the funda of KISS (not the one which girls give) which is “Keep it simple and stupid” which made my child hood a memorable one, wish it happens during the current phase and makes my life a memorable one too.


NB: Have not received any comments about my previous post but request the limited number of users to give there feedback and correct me if i am not heading in the right direction.


gayatri said…
Metaphorical way to express things are always awesome and u have got a mastery over it.The explicit narration of those places took me on a virtual trip to those places and I really can imagin how they look like.Thanks for reminding a long forgoten "Pitto".
Dibyendu said…
Thanks for the comments gayatri. Well i would ssay its good to hear that you were also a "Pitto" buff. Yet many more things waiting to come out. Lets see when it happens.
Sekhar Misra said…
I have read two of your blogs and your writing style seems to be interesting. The one which quoted "Dib, you got where I am coming from" was great. May be next time when my manager asks me this question, I would reply "No. You did not tell me. How am I supposed to know then?"

Thanks & Regards,
Sekhar Misra
Dibyendu said…
Thanks Sekhar Atleast I got you to read my blog. Keep commenting it helpes me to improve.
Unknown said…
wow u have infused life into our childhood was like living those moments again...and this is really surprisin u hav number of gal frnds n stil don hav a gal-frnd...Really liked d KISS funda...which really cud make our life interesting if applied even today..
Unknown said…
very intresting.I mean the way u have put our childhood memories is something commendalbe.but u missed something..nt something actually so many things.."chupa chupi".we use to play it in the evening time specially when current is not there.Right dibs!and rididng road roller?ha ha ha
Dibyendu said…
Lot of things would have been missed and would like all of you to contribute so that we have one big repositories of stories and you dont have to buy a story book for your kids

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